
saya malas. memang malas. kapan saya tidak malas..?


nyuu udah lama ya gua ga ngisi blog huhu
sebenernya bukannya gua sibuk atau apa sih, tapi gua malesss aja rasanya buat ngetik panjang lebar haha... abisnya gua ini pemalas, gak sih gua lagi malas ngaa-ngapain. beneran deh, beteeee banget huhu...

oh ya, gua lagi ada di Jeddah saat ini. hihi, disini enak loh bo *kalo libur kesini* cz internetnya unlim kyaaa <3 cepet pula huahahaha donlod deh sepuasnya <3 tapi sayang koneksinya cuma ada di laptop bokap dan laptop bokap HDnya penuuuuh huhuhu tidaaak yaudah deh gua donlod dikitdikit terus gua pindahin ke komputer hehe it's kaaaay ;)

sekarang aktifitas gua..? meyakinkan gua untuk terus berusaha haha. serius, gua lagi malees banget buat ngapa2in haha....
kerjaan gua di Jeddah aja cuma ngenet, ngenet, dan ngenet. haha.. ga ada yang berguna sama sekali hihi...
seharusnya ya guys, gua itu belajar karena gua udah kelas 3. WTF belajar..? boleh dong sekali-kali gua refreshing..? hihi tapi gua refreshing terus ga belajar belajaaar :/

bener deh, gua susaaaah banget maksain diri gua buat belajar. kinda lazy for it hehe... yah gua tau, seharusnya gua belajar minimal sejam aja dari waktu yang ada, tapi yang ada waktu sejam itu habis buat ini itu, lupa ini itu, inget oh ya yang ini belom, yang itu belom, dan seterusnya. hiks gua sediiih gua pengen belajar tapi kok males banget yaa :/

kata temen gua, itu emang guanya ga ada niat sama sekali buat belajar. HEH masak sih..? gua ada niat koook :( apa mungkin ia ya..? huhu
soal yang ada tuh dimata gua berasa susaaaaaaah bgt :/ padahal kalo liat pembahasannya tuh mudah sekali sodara-sodara. pas liat pembahasannya tuh ya berasa ilham dateng turun semua gitu ke otak gua hahaha.... tapi pas mau ngerjain soal yang lainnya, hal itu berulang lagi. capeeeekk.. ><

gua tau kok, gua harus belajar. cuma ya ini, niat gua kurang kuat kayaknya. rasanya beraaat gitu. ga ada motivasi samasekali buat belajar. apa yaa... gua pengeeeen banget masuk PSIKOLOGI UI gitu tapi kok gua maleees banget belajar :/

entah kenapa yaa.. alasan yang mampu gua pikirkan ya cuma gua kurang motivasi. yeah, SANGAT KURANG motivasi. huhu... POKOKNYA GUA PENGEN MASUK PSIKOLOGI UI itu sih udah pasti. tapi.. alasan gua masuk psikologi apa ya... hmhmhm...

keanya,, misi gua beberapa hari ini itu dulu deh, menemukan alasan gua masuk psikologi UI hehe :3

smell ya later guys :)

Lalu lalu..??



Here guys,, ada translationnya. sumpah KOCAK ABISS~~~ apalagi pas bagian "do you really cry..?" LOL

Lalu lalu..??


Just found it :)

just read about what I found :)

and I found her.
someone who swore to be my best friend
someone who swore to listen to every littlest thing I say.
someone who swore do her best to not hurt me...

I hope this won't be just a zero dreams...
as you can see,, I'm flooded by tears of happiness.

I'll do whatever it takes to protect her.
I'll do my best to not hurt her too
I'll listen to her story to the singlest thing matter

And I hope this would last forever....

Lalu lalu..??


after my hiatus....

udah lama banget ya gua gk apdet nih blog (^.^)v
maap maap,, gua belakangan ini males ngetik, udah gitu gua agak keteteran sama tugas2 gua. jadi yaa... mencoba untuk mengatur jadwal hidupku dulu lah...

udah lama banget ya gua gk apdet nih blog (^.^)v
maap maap,, gua belakangan ini males ngetik, udah gitu gua agak keteteran sama tugas2 gua. jadi yaa... mencoba untuk mengatur jadwal hidupku dulu lah...

belakangan ini gua disibukkan dengan tugas2 yang entah mengapa menumpuk kayak apaan... sumpah gua kesel mampus sama guru2 gua yang selalu ngasih tugas banyak bgt ke murid2nya. uuukkkhhh..... ngebetein banget. untung tugasnya ga sampe project... eh sampe deng waktu itu bikin sinetron. dan hasilnya? HANCUR mwahahaha....

oh ya guys,, belakangan ini gua mulai kecanduan sama social journal yang namanya PLURK. hahahaha,, beneran deh gua kecanduan. sampe di kelas aja gua buka nih site, pake yg mobile version seh. dan gua rajin banget nyari2 yang unread sampe ke belakang2... saking ga ada kerjaannya gua nyahahaha...

sebenernya gua juga mau bikin TWITTER, tapi gua gk tau,, kalo gua bikin bakal gua urusin ga yaa... gua juga pengen bikin user di LIVE JOURNAL sama FANFICTION. tapi ya itu, bakal gua urusin ga yah..? masalahnya gua suka lupaan... ni ja blog gua di blogspot udah pengen gua isi dari sebulan yang lalu, eh tapi baru bisa gua isi sekarang. makanya gua bingung... bikin ga ya..?

anyway, kalo punya PLURK add gua yaa,, user gua namanya lunachan. ehehehe,, sankyuu~~

c y next post! :)

Lalu lalu..??


personality test, again -_-"

gue memang a personality test freak. dan gue baru aja nyoba lagi. hasilnya..??

taken from http://www.quizbox.com/personality/test82.aspx

Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are not looking merely for a girl/boyfriend - you are looking for your life partner. Perhaps you should be more open-minded about who you spend time with. The person you are looking for might hide their charm under their exterior.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?

Your views on education
You may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual job.

The right job for you:
You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.

How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.

What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.

Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

as I can see,, hampir semuanya mirip sama aku hehhe....
coba deh ikutan test. sapa tau sama juga..? hhe^^

Lalu lalu..??